Human bytes
About Us
A Deloitte report from 2018 estimates that AI for healthcare in Europe yearly can save 400,000 lives, save 200 billion euro and 1.9 billion man-hours. Human Bytes was established in 2019 to contribute to unlock this potential of AI for healthcare, for better patient outcome and health economics.
We are a full solution provider of AI to healthcare and we cherry-pick the best solutions in the world and bring them to a Nordic context. We have solutions within radiology, pathology, radiation oncology, opthalmology and patient monitorering. We have several AI installations across the Nordic, as an example we have provided AI to the breast cancer screening program in Copenhagen for their 80,000 woman participating yearly. They have documented a workload reduction of +35% and significant better patient outcomes. Â
We are three partners with vast experience from the Nordic healthcare industry, from both selling and buying in a market dominated by public procurement. In addition we have an organisation of sales specialist, support by the large and strong organisations of clinical application specialists from our partners.
AI for healthcare is under rapid development, and to ensure that our customers stay agile to navigate the future opportunities, we have developed a unique business model that ensure maximum flexibility and value creation.Â