AI Solutions
Patient Monitoring
- Patient monitoring
Nurse shortage and challenging demographics calls for intelligent solutions that can support general ward in hospitals and in primary care to reduce workload and increase safety for patients and staff. We enable this via sensors across patient monitoring.
Kepler Night Nurse enables virtual supervision and detects incidents via a sensor in hospital room, nursing homes or in a homecare setting. The AI allows for fall-prevention, fall-detection, when a dementia wander, or pressure ulcer prevention and much more.
No humans are seeing the image data. This is only for the software, to analyse different scenarios. Data is deleted after it is processed.
The Night Nurse Sensor allows for optimal staffing especially at night and give nurses and patients comfort and safety, that critical events will be handled faster. The AI is trained on more than 1,000,000 days of data, making it the most robust and easiest solution to implement, for immediate and guaranteed value creation.
Benefits from Night Nurse Sensors:
- Eliminate false alarms
- Increase safety of clients (fall prevention and detection)
- Time savings for staff
The software provides detailed insight into a persons daily rhythm through the activity report, allowing for personalised alarm setting based on the persons individual risk profile. Examples of alarms are; “Person on floor”, “Risk for Pressure Ulcer”,“Person out of room”, “Person not returning from toilet”, “Person got up from chair” or “Person on edge of bed.
- Understanding living patterns
- Indication in restlessness at night
- Indication if person withdraws more frequently.
Kepler Night Nurse is registered as medical device and may be used in European hospitals and healthcare facilities.
Visit Kepler Vision Technologies here
Ward 24/7 is an advanced clinical software technology build to introduce intelligent alarms and early detection of clinical deterioration. Today clinical staff spend hours for manual measurement of vital signs to perform routine EWS scoring across wards. Introducing wireless sensors for automated vitals sigs also introduces to many false alarms for the caregivers, hence there is a need for an intelligent interpretation of patient data.
Ward 24/7 enables continuously patient monitoring of vital signs without introducing a high number of false alarms for the clinical personnel and supports detection of clinical deterioration for a reduction of severe adverse event.
Visit WARD 24 | 7 here